When lips touch caution vanishes in a shimmer of whispered secrets leaving Kizzy, Anamique, and Esmé to find out that a kiss may have astonishing consequences.
Kizzy's not an It girl she's a Not It girl, so when the new boy, a beautiful poet of a boy, pursues her she can almost forget... Almost, but not quite forget, that she comes from a family that believes in things; "in vampires and the evil eye, in witch soldiers, and curses and even talking foxes... And of course they believed in goblins."
Oh yes, she can't quite forget, but will she cease to care?
Anamique's life begins with a bassinet and a curse by the old woman Estrella, "I curse this child with the most beautiful voice ever to slip from human lips. But take care that you never hear it. Anyone who does shall fall down dead on the spot. From this moment forward, any sound this child utters will kill."
And so the little child stays silent believing in the curse until a young man determines to lead her out from the shadow of superstition. But is it superstition?
Esmé comes from a mother who was raised as a pet and who's night terrors keep her daughter awake. When her mother cuts her long persimmon red hair and forces them to flee, Esmé wonders if they can outrun the wolves in the city. Taken to a fortress of stone and incredible beauty where kittens are thrown to the beasts that line the drawbridge- is that any place for a young girls first kiss?
Finalist for the National Book Award for Young Peoples Literature