Dolamore, Jaclyn. Magic Under Glass. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010.
When Nimira leaves her music-hall job for a position at Mr. Parry's estate, she finds illusions abound and reality may be hidden in the closed off upper stories of Vestenveld. Add to this a piano-playing automation who may or may not be human and you have the story of a young lady with the voice of an angel and the courage of a tiger.
When Hollin Parry discovers Nimiri singing in a music hall and asks her to sing with his piano playing automation, it is not a difficult decision for Nimiri. Leave behind the brown bread, and bland vegetables, and pennies thrown at her feet? For the glittering world of the Vestenveld estate? This would be a big step up for a trouser girl from Tiansher.
But perhaps it would be more than just a step up, perhaps it would be the beginning of a great love story. A love story about a young woman and a man who loves her and a man she cannot have. All in a place where a madwomen roams the the upper floors and the magical world swirls like a mist through the corridors of Vestenveld.
That night I heard a girl scream. I shot up in bed, throwing back the covers. Bare feet slapped down the hall, closer and closer. I rushed to the door. Linza? Sleep blurred my eyes. I flung open the door, and a caped figure barreled toward me, trailed by dim orbs of light that floated after her like fireflies. Her desperate cries filled my ears. Not Linza...
In this story, we learn about the strength, courage, and determination of not only Nimiri, but also of a mechanical man who may or may not be human.