Sunday, March 8, 2009

Verse Novel: "Street Love"

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Myers, Walter Dean. Street Love. New York: Amistad, 2006.

Two households both alike in dignity,
In urban Harlem, where we lay our scene,
Love holds all promise if she'll let him in,
our Junice Ambers and her Damian.

Two star-crossed lovers sigh in Harlem. What forces conspire to keep them apart? Rival gangs, rival mother's, their own rival imaginations? Imaginations that keep them at cross purposes?

Damian Battle is headed to Brown where he competed for and earned a spot at one of the most prestigious colleges in the country. Junice Ambers is headed to the Bedford Hills Prison where her mother has been sentenced to and earned (according to the courts) her place of despair.

This tale, breathtakingly told in elegant verse, is both tragedy and love story. Will the sadness of impoverished Harlem undue them? Or will love conquer all as Junice turns to Damian and their hearts become full and the darkness of the street is illuminated.

YALSA Best Book for Young Adults. YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers.

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